A customer satisfaction score, also known as a CSAT is designed to measure the level of satisfaction by a customer for services rendered. The score is indicated by a percentage, generally from 0% to 100% with Zero representing total lack of satisfaction and one hundred representing complete satisfaction. In any given industry, the score can have very huge disparities. When a company has a satisfaction score of 80 to 90%, this is considered as an upper level of satisfaction. Most of Lifelock’s Customer Satisfaction Score surveys have shown that clients of the service are very satisfied with the performance of the company.
Most Customers Satisfied With Performance
LifeLock’s Customer Satisfaction Score surveys have continued to prove that the company is performing according to expectations. When asked if they are satisfied with the performance of the company, a bigger percentage replied that they were strongly or somewhat agreed. This means that most clients are satisfied with service delivery. A very small percentage said that they neither agreed nor disagreed. This percentage had no opinion mostly because they have not had any problems with identity theft and have never had a need to contact the company for assistance although they are subscribers with one of the three membership plans of the company.
Customer Satisfaction and Retention
When asked to speak about the service that they have received from the company, most LifeLock members replied that they were satisfied. Most of the satisfied clients are those that have had problems related to identity theft and have contacted the company a few times a years for assistance. They rated the performance of the services that the company provides as very satisfactory. The clients also said that they had a very satisfactory experience when purchasing the membership plans and that they usage experience was very satisfactory. They were generally happy with the after purchase services they received and considered the customer service they received from the company representatives as very satisfactory.
What the Customer Satisfaction Score Means
The customer satisfaction surveys that have been undertaken show that most LifeLock clients are happy with the company’s services. Nonetheless, the company has continues to try and find ways to introduce meaningful changes that will ensure that customers are always happy. The surveys are meant to assess the performance of the company so that improvements can be made in the standards of delivery. These surveys are also carried out to help understand the needs of customers so that the company can help clients to have a better experience in using the company’s services.